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Home > Audiences > Website Audiences

Website Audiences

What is a website audience?
A website audience is a group of users visiting your site that you have cookied ... more
How to Create a Website Audience
To create an audience, go to your "Manage" menu, and click Create Audience. G... more
Path Audiences
Use the Path method to cookie users based on what pages/sections they visit to o... more
Querystring Audiences
Use the URL Querystring retargeting method to cookie users based on the querystr... more
Event Audiences
Use the "event" Audience method to add users to an Audience when they perform an... more
Regular Expression Audiences
Use the "regular expression" Retargeting Audience method to add people to an aud... more
Using Wildcard With Your Audiences
On some occasions, you may want to use one audience to capture a variety of page... more
Exporting an Audience as an Image Pixel
If you wish to use an image pixel to add users to your audiences, you can easily... more