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Home > Quick Start Guide > Step 2: Create a Retargeting Audience

Step 2: Create a Retargeting Audience

Once your tag is installed, (it will take our system 6-8 hours to recognize the tag) it's time to create an Audience. An Audience is a "slice" of your website visitors based on what pages they visited on your site. Using the SharpSpring Ads segmenting tools, you can quickly make dozens of audiences for any grouping of users you can think of.

By default, we create one Audience to get you started. The "All Visitors" Audience will track any user who lands on any page our tag is installed on. For the purposes of this guide, we're going to walk through making another example Audience, one that contains people who sign up for your service or product.

With these two audiences, you can later create a campaign that targets everyone who visits your website (All Visitors) MINUS everyone who's signed up for your service (the Audience we're about to create.)

  • From your dashboard, Click Manage-> Create Audience.

  • Give your audience a name. We'll call it "Sign Ups" for this example.

  • Select a Method for the Audience. On my site, everyone who signs up for a free trial is sent to a page with a URL of "/user/signedup" after signing up. So, I use the "Path" method, and I type in "/user/signedup".

When the visitor lands on that page, they will be added to this Audience as someone who signed up for my site's service.

Click the "Create Audience" button to save it. Now I've got two audiences and we're ready to move on to the next step.

There's a lot more you can do with audiences. Take a look at our documentation for more details.

If you have questions, email ads@sharpspring.com.